Academic Tutoring Services
Sometimes students struggle with their academic course work in music theory and history. I am an experienced teacher of music theory and history from the high school to graduate level and can provide assistance to music students as they prepare for entrance exams, in core courses, for special projects, or in the preparation of papers.
I can provide short or long term tutoring services in person or via Skype.
Student endorsements:
"Ashley is an extraordinary teacher of music theory and history. Her expertise in many musical subjects and ability to teach and convey the material is flat out amazing. Working with Ashley will make every student better."
-Christian, DMA jazz student
I can provide short or long term tutoring services in person or via Skype.
Student endorsements:
"Ashley is an extraordinary teacher of music theory and history. Her expertise in many musical subjects and ability to teach and convey the material is flat out amazing. Working with Ashley will make every student better."
-Christian, DMA jazz student